Dad Hacks That Are Equally Hilarious And Useful

As a father with three kids at home, I fully understand the struggles that come with raising children. From the moment they wake through the failed attempts to get them into bed, they are little bundles of joy and power plants that churn out energy at a frenzied rate. Parenting is incredibly rewarding but it comes with challenges. How do I carry this giant pile of human around with me? Will they actually sit still for their photoshoot? What is a hair tie and why do they have to exist? From raising girls with no clue about female needs to baseball practice and everything in between, parenting requires a lot of patience and just the right amount of hacks. These dads might not win parent of the year awards but they've found their own unique ways to get through the day with their own kiddos.

Dad Hacks His Kids Sleep Cycle For A Photo Shoot

Dad Hack for photo shoots.jpg.jpg One of the biggest challenges of capturing the perfect baby photo is getting your newborn child to cooperate. This dad came up with an ingenious solution. Dad lays underneath a soft blanket while his baby rests comfortably on his stomach. If you are the parent of a newborn you're probably well aware that the sound of your heart beating and the up and down motion of your tummy can make for the perfect little relaxation spot for your child. Good dads will go to any length to make sure their children have only the best they can give.

Out Of Sight, Out Of Mind

Dad Hack for not going insane while driving with kids.jpg First, I'm really impressed this dad bought a van that can fit three car seats side-by-side. Any parent traveling with young children understands the bickering that can occur even on the shortest of rides. This dad used cardboard to separate his children from each other's line of view. We call this the out of sight, out of mind hack, and he claims it works out perfectly. I can't vouch for the safety of this trick but the engineering behind it is so perfect that I had to share.

The Creepy Barbie Doll Hack Courtesy Of Dad

Barbie Head Hack by Dad.jpg Sick and tired of trying to re-attach your kids Barbie doll heads? This dad decided there was a better solution. Okay, it's really just a creepy solution that looks like something out of a horror flick but it gets the job done. This dad hack can work for expensive dolls, Bratz, Barbie, and any other toy that keeps losing its head and driving you out of your mind. I don't know if his child continued to play with the doll but it makes for a fun viral photo.

An All Natural Baby Carrier

Dad Hack Hair Carrier.jpg You think your baby carrier is made from "all natural" materials? Think again! This dad wins my award for most awesome dad hair and the use of that hair. I'm not sure if this is comfortable at all but his little girl seems to like the ride and dad has a smile on his face. How he managed to secure his kid to his head is beyond my comprehension. The best dad hacks are the ones that are so outrageous but actually seem to work just as intended.

The Dad Swing

dad swing hack.jpg Your kids want you to push them on the swing, but you just want to sit back, kick up your feet, and enjoy an ice cold beer. With this dad hack you can both have exactly what you want. Gently rock your little child in their swing with a long rope and they'll be super happy that dad is "spending time" with them. You could just walk over with beer in hand and push them but then this hack would be completely wasted. Lazy? Absolutely. The epitome of a dad hack? Definitely.

An Indoor Amusement Park That Nearly Seems Safe

funny-parenting-tips-and-life-hacks-19.jpg Is the weather outside dreadful? I'm totally onboard with this dad's decision to build a slide using nothing but some cardboard, tape, and the staircase to the second floor of his home. Don't try this if your stairs are overly steep or they end too close to the wall though. When it comes to finding amusing ways to keep kids entertained we can always count on dad hacks like these. His kids seem to be enjoying the slide and we don't see any noticeable injuries, although this might have been their first "test flight" down the stair slide.

Clean Your Room Or No Technology For You

Dad Cleaning Hack for chores.jpg This is probably the easiest dad hack on my list and one I plan to utilize regularly when my children are a bit older. Take a padlock, attach it to one of the power outlet pieces and leave a demand letter. This dad wanted his daughter to clean her room, which is clearly needed. He left a note telling her the lock would come off her electronics the minute she did her chores. I fully endorse this when a child is not following through on a simple task they have been asked to complete.

Fort Dad!

Dad Fort Hack.jpg I envy this dad for coming up with perhaps the easiest kid fort making solution I have ever seen. My kids have a hard time waiting patiently while I scrounge up enough blankets to make them a small fort that they destroy every five minutes. For this trick, all you need is a box fan and a large sheet. Tuck in all of the edges of the sheet, turn on the fan, and the perfect indoor play fort is ready for your children to explore. I've pretty much given up on forts but this is just the lazy thinking I need to build more in the near future.

How To Solve Problems: Dad Style

Dad Hack - Get Along Shirt.jpg I'm probably not the best person for conflict resolution. My daughter hits my son, he complains, I tell him not to stand for her bullying. He hits her back and the cycle repeats itself until one or both of them are crying. This dad came up with a much better solution as the "get along shirt" requires both kids to share one shirt until they work out their differences. There may be no better reason to kiss and make up than having to share a very close confinement with your sibling. The little girl in this photo seems to have gotten the message loud and clear.

Dad Hacking Even When He's Not There

Dad Hack for controlling car speed.jpg This dad understands that he can't always be there with his daughter when she's on the open road. A simple solution? He clearly wrote the word "No!" over the RPM and speed gauges on the car. If the little orange notification hardware disappears, his daughter knows she is breaking the rules. If she gets pulled over for speeding I doubt this dad would hesitate in taking away the car. Dads can become pretty overprotective of their children but this guy found a way to strike a comfortable balance between safety and a pretty loud reminder of his rules.

Combining Nap And Meal Time

Dad hack for eating a warm meal.jpg I'm not sure what to be more impressed with, this dad's ability to balance his baby while eating a piece of cake or the child's unwillingness to wake up when being used as a human table. Raising kids can be crazy at times because they demand so much of your attention. This dad has figured out how to balance child raising and the need to eat in order to stay alive. If he can still pull off this trick when his kid is five-years-old I would be happy to proclaim this to be truly the best dad hack in terms of necessity.

Fake Gaming

Dad Hack for Gaming with the kiddos.jpg Not ready to give up your gaming habits just because you have kids? This dad came up with a simple but ingenious idea. Hand your children controllers that are not actually controlling the game and let them "play along." Sure you might give your child an undeserved bit of gaming confidence but this hack should work well for a few years. Once your kid is a bit older you can just have them join you on your crazy gaming adventures. Lying to your kids? Not cool. Encouraging them to participate? Of course! I'm conflicted about this dad hack.

Don't Mess With Dad's TV Remote Settings

Dad hack for remote control.jpg If you have children at home the struggle to keep your TV settings optimized is real. You can make sure your children only use the allowed remote control buttons by placing painters tape over unused options. You could also do what my family does and ditch expensive cable for Hulu, Netflix, and Amazon Prime. It's amazing how quickly kids learn to use newer technology instead of archaic cable boxes. Sometimes the simplest route is the best type of dad hack because it proves a point and makes life easier.

Dad Nap During Playtime? Genius!

Dad Hack for taking a nap while children play.jpg How do you sneak in a dad nap while your children play within earshot of your location? You draw a city on the back of your shirt, lay down on the floor, and let your kids go to town. If you're a light sleeper this probably won't work. I could definitely see myself napping the day away with this trick. Plus, when you're out and about every kid will be jealous that their dad doesn't have a portable car map written out across their shirt. This is a big dad hack win in my book.

Combining Dad's Love Of Baseball And Fishing

Dad Hack for TBall Practice.jpg Are you lazy? Perhaps you can't walk around because of an injury? This dad has come up with a rather ingenious solution for teaching your kid to play baseball with very little effort. He attached a ball to some high-strength fishing line. When your kids swing at the ball simply release and allow the ball to go flying. Real in your fishing line and repeat the process until their little arms are too tired to swing a bat any longer. It might not be the most active time spent with your kid but at least their getting some exercise.

Scooting Around Town With Baby

Dad Stroller Scooter.jpg This is one of those dad hacks that I can't fully endorse for safety reasons but I appreciate the thought that went into creating something unique. This dad combined elements of a tricycle, scooter, and baby carrier into one. Fly around town with your child and hope you don't wipe out — that's the name of the game with this dad's invention. In all fairness, this is probably still safer than the thousands of parents who don't realize they have installed their car seat incorrectly. At least baby gets a fast ride with the wind in their nearly non-existent hair.

How To Be Good At Hair: Dad Style

Zip tie hair dad hack.jpg I seriously don't understand how my young daughter so quickly learned to use hair ties, bows, and other accessories in her hair because I can't even brush it properly. This dad wasn't going to waste his time on hair ties and instead came up with this silly but effective dad hack. Simply grab your daughter's hair and place it inside of a zip tie. Pull the tie to secure her hair and you're ready to go. Bring along a pair of scissors or a pocket knife and you can even remove the excess zip tie portion for a cleaner, more professional looking hairstyle.

Leave Your Shirt Inside Out Because Babies Leak... From Everywhere

Nate from Oregon inside shirt hack.jpg Nate from Oregon shared a picture of his sleeping baby and it was immediately clear that his t-shirt was inside out. This wasn't a mistake! Nate says he turns his t-shirts inside out when at home in case spit up and other bodily fluids decide to attack! If you are raising any kids it becomes immediately clear that they leak from everywhere. I literally can't go more than an hour or two without some type of bodily fluid, usually spit up, hitting my clothing. Some smelly mistakes, of course, still require Nate to make a wardrobe change.

Hacking Social Media To Get Your Kids Attention

Social Media Dad Hack.jpg This dad doesn't use Facebook to spy on his daughter but rather to make her realize certain chores were left undone. When some comments about how Taylor Swift writes songs that mimic the fans life, her dad chimes in. "Yep. I just heard 'Empty the Dishwasher & The Cat Box Every Night Without Bitching About It.'" This dad wins bonus points for hacking social media to get his daughter's attention and for coming up with a pretty clever status reply.

A Dad Hack For Cleaning The House

Baby Mop Dad Hack.jpg For full disclosure, I don't know if a dad created this baby duster outfit but it has been shared by a lot of guys who seem to think this is a suitable way to clean up hardwood floors in their home. To be fair, the baby in this photo seems really happy to be crawling around on a dirty floor while wearing the fluffy outfit. If someone can make one of these for somehow dusting in hard to reach ceiling areas and corners, I'll buy into the hype and pick one up for each of my children. This is lazy but in a really adorable way that I can't stop smiling about.