If you don't embarrass your child at least once a week you haven't figured out how to properly dad yet. I started browsing the web and realized there were a lot of dads photobombing photos involving their children and even some complete strangers. Among the photobombs were some hilarious and totally intentional shots that prove dads just wanna have fun.
Whether you're a mom, dad, or just an embarrassed kid who wants to know they're not alone, you'll love how much these dads succeed at failing.
We even captured one dad who managed to ruin a photo while visiting the happiest place on earth.
The Stinky Situation
How could a photo of a mom and her beautiful daughters possibly go wrong? Oh yeah, just throw dad in the background with their baby and a poopy diaper. Dad perfectly timed this photo to capture a sight parents are all too familiar with: smelling the baby's diaper for a stinky situation. I don't know if this was planned because many parenting situations happen out of sleepless nights and not the realization that something funny could be captured in the moment.
The Dad Hiding In Plain Sight Photobomb
The best photobombing dads understand that you don't necessarily need to jump out at the last second. Take for example this dad. He simply stood in a doorway and smiles for the camera. The girls in the photo appear to be drinking so they were probably none-the-wiser to the shenanigans that were happening less than a foot away from their position. And this is why dads will always be the oddballs of the family and embrace that moniker.
And She Never Heard From Her Date Again
This might be the most popular dad photobomb on the internet. My search turned up hundreds of sites that made mention to this shirtless photo accompanied by a goofy dad face. The best part? His daughter had no idea he was standing in the background with the intention of completely embarrassing her. Jokes on this dad though since the photo spread like wildfire and his daughter still looks beautiful in her pink dress. She's completely unaware that something strange is happening at the same time as her photo is being taken.
This Guy Is The Inner Child Of Every Dad
I, sadly, do not photobomb my kids without a shirt on because I would come off looking more like this guy than the fit dads in some of our other photos. I have to hand it to this spotlight-stealing dad though — once he realized what was going on, he went all in. His daughter added a nice touch to the photo by flashing a peace sign and sticking out her tongue. It's almost as if she inherited her own photo taking abilities from her dad. I'm willing to bet that this daughter, already kind of goofy in her own right, appreciated her dad's oddly hilarious photobomb.
PDA Dad To The Photobombing Rescue
Here's a fun lesson I plan to remember when my children are older: never take your kids to a concert or this might happen. The look on this guy's face pretty much sums up his thoughts on public displays of affection. It's kind of hard to enjoy a concert when you have to watch two teens go at it surrounded by thousands of other people. At least he wasn't taking his daughter to a boy band concert and that might be the only relief he has to remember this trip.
Just A Relaxing Time Out By The Pond
Even if you leave enough room in the photo for dad to join the picture-taking session, he will find a way to fill that open space with some weird display of his strangeness. I have to hand it to this dad for knowing the perfect time to leap from land into the background of the photo before making a final splashdown. Bonus points to this guy because he likely managed to ruin the photo and soak his wife and daughter at the very same time - that takes a special kind of talent.
The Dad Pose
No matter how much a dad practices posing for a photobomb it's always going to come off more awkward than the pose created by their daughter. I personally don't think we need to pose because our goofy natural presence is usually enough to create a hilarious scene. In any case, this dad has mastered the ability to mock his daughter with a goofy pose and a big smile. And this is why dads are so much fun to have around even when they are embarrassing and a bit weird.
The Old Timey Dad Photobomb
I have to be very clear about something — photobombing is not a new practice, although it has become more prevalent. This old black and white photo proves that dads have always strived for the chance to take a goofy photo with their kids. The dad in the background managed to barely squeeze his head into the little bit of space left between his children. I love that even an older man found it hilarious to photobomb what was otherwise a great picture.
A Loving Embrace And A Silly Dad
Another older photo that proves dads have been photobombing their children for many years. I love that this older gentleman bent down in the window and made a silly face for the photo. The couple is sharing a warm embrace and likely didn't see the final result of this picture until they brought their film in to be developed. The stealth photobomb of yesteryear was perfect because of the delayed gratification dads could get when their kids finally received back a copy of their anticipated photo.
Merry Christmas From This Embarrassing Dad
It doesn't matter if you are celebrating your wedding, engagement, birthday, or a special holiday, dad will find a way to get involved. This beautiful photograph was intruded upon by the guy in the background. In all fairness to this photobombing dad, he really seems excited to be in the photo with his daughter. As a father, I understand the desire to act like a complete goofball. My wife tells me to think before I act on a daily if not hourly basis. Dads just wanna have fun!
The Happiest Accident On Earth
I wish I could say dads are always on top of their game. Men used to be hunters who went off in search of large prey to feed our families. These days we just try to dodge out of a photo. Notice that the man behind this shocked dad is in the middle of proposing to his girlfriend — a moment they can't call for a do-over with. This dad quickly realized he was intercepting the special moment and made a typical "OMG I'm in the photo" dash. It might not be the photo the couple wanted but it went viral and that's a special memory all by itself.
This Dad Is Photobombing His Kid Early In Life
If this photo is an indication of this little kids future we feel sorry for any prom, engagement, or even family photos they have to take in the coming years. Baby looks laid back with their pacifier while dad looks like he just saw the most disgusting sight his eyes have ever laid upon. Dads have a magical superpower in which we can find that one little piece of frame that hasn't been covered before jumping into photobombing action. As a father, I tend to be the goofball in my relationship so I totally get where this guy is coming from.
Weird Style Choices All Around
This girl looks like she's getting ready for a dance in the 1980s and her dad looks like the inspiration for Murray Goldberg on the hit TV series
The Goldbergs. His tighty whities at least match her white dress. Dad looks a little bit shocked at the photo being taken but also makes no effort to get out of the way. It's also an older photo so here's to hoping his daughter didn't find this gem until after the pictures came back from processing.
The Third-Wheel Dad
Truth be told, you don't even have to do anything over-the-top to land the perfect dad-based photobomb. This guy just smiled in the background and completely changed the dynamic of this otherwise cute photo. Great looking couple plus a dad lurking with a smile in the shadows is enough to give me the chills. As a father, I fully endorse always reminding your children you are there to watch over them and protect them. This seems a little bit more sinister but maybe that's just me.
All The Yes To This Dad Photobomb
Cute sisters, crazy dad, one heck of a photobomb. I'm pretty sure this guy is shocked at how quickly his little girls are growing up and that's the face he's making. Who am I kidding, as a dad I understand we don't need a reason to embarrass our kids — it's just part of our job and we embrace that fact with all of our being. The girl taking the selfie had to realize her dad was being crazy in the background so props to her for sticking to her guns and capturing this viral photo.
And He Had Her Home 2 Hours Early
We all know the jokes about overprotective dads cleaning their gun as the boyfriend arrives to pick up his daughter. By the look of the arms of this guy, he doesn't need a gun to freak out his daughter's prom date. When this dad says "have my daughter home by midnight" I have a feeling she is in bed and sleeping by 10 p.m. This was probably a staged photobomb but it speaks volumes to the lengths dads will go with a photo to prove a point.
Like Father, Like Son
The dad in the background of this photo might not be related to the couple but he's teaching his kid the fine art of photobombing at a young age. Father and son share similar looks as the couple snuggle up together for what is otherwise a really sweet selfie. We live in an age where it's incredibly easy to snap a photo of our loved ones. Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on how you look at it), that also means people can jump into the background and create weird but funny memories like this one.
The Dapper Dad Photobomb
Not every dad needs to be a shirtless buffoon to score points for their photobomb. I have a feeling this dad was just trying to enjoy a glass of whiskey when a photograph was captured by a wedding photographer. There's something magical about the well-dressed man in a bowtie photobombing what is otherwise an elegant photo. The telephoto effect also perfectly shines a spotlight on the fact that the photobombing dad is usually what becomes the theme of the photo in question.
Dad Put His Daughter In A Hairy Situation
Now, this is exactly what every girl wants — a nice photo in a pretty dress that is interrupted by a dad photobomb. Not just any photobomb though...this dad went to extra lengths to show off his armpit hair and a little bit of his belly to the photographer. Based on this single photo I'm willing to bet her dad finds fun and hilarious ways to embarrass her on a regular basis. I endorse this practice because children need to remember that it's okay to not always take life so seriously every second of the day.
Just Enough Creepy To Win At Photobombing
At first glance, this looks like a nice photo of a couple who are heading out to a school dance. Upon closer examination, it's really another dad taking the opportunity to photobomb their kid. This must have been a carefully planned-out picture-taking session because dad needed to head into the garage and get in position for the final product. It's another example of just how easily a dad can completely change the final product of a photo by just being their weird and wonderful self. I can't wait for my kids to grow up so I can fully master the dad photobomb.
David Beckham Photobombs His Son
It's not just strange dads with nothing else to do who photobomb their children. Here's a photo of soccer superstar David Beckham as he jumps into the background of his son's selfie. It's a silly photo but honestly, I would welcome the chance to have someone like Beckham photobomb my pictures. His son, on the other hand, has to live in the same home and probably finds this to be just another photo of a dad attempting to embarrass their kid.