If Your Dad Jokes Are Getting Rusty, Here’s A Little Help

Let's face it: all dads are guilty of dad jokes. It's like the second their first baby is born, something clicks in their brain, they twitch, and the jokes start spilling out.

Whether we like it or not, the jokes get a giggle out of us. After some time, though, their jokes get a little rusty, and they need a push in the right direction to find their humor again.

Terrible Good Dad Jokes

Funny dad laughs
Photo Credit: Tomothy dykes / Unsplash
Photo Credit: Tomothy dykes / Unsplash

Dad jokes are cringeworthy, dumb, and cheesy—and yet we still love them. At least, we love them enough that someone made a whole book compilation of them.

Think of it as a reference book that every dad could turn to when they need to lighten the mood but their humor brain is failing them. Plus, they can take all the credit for their new joke collection and no one will know!


Your Eyes Will Hurt From Rolling

dad jokes book cover
Photo Credit: Share The Love Gifts / Amazon
Photo Credit: Share The Love Gifts / Amazon

This paperback copy is filled with 51 pages of eye-rolling jokes that you can't help but crack a smile at, whether you're a dad or their kid.


For example, one says said "Someone robbed the coffee shop!" and the reply is "You're saying they got mugged?" Or "what does a spy wear on his feet?" and the answer is "Sneakers." Ugh, I know. They're all that bad, but there are many, many more.


Families Say They Got A Good Chuckle Out Of It

kid covers dad eyes as they laugh
Photo Credit: Bermix Studio / Pexels
Photo Credit: Bermix Studio / Pexels

"I absolutely love the book! I got it for my husband to be from our toddler for Christmas. The letters are huge, the jokes are classic hilarious dad jokes! My husband is going to love it! I just wish there were more than 100 jokes, they are short jokes. I would definitely buy again!" - Hufflepuff