Uses For Baby Oil That You’ve Never Even Considered
Do you ever wonder why baby oil is sold in such large quantities even though you've never managed to actually finish an entire bottle? It's because you can do so much more with it than just use it on your babies.
It works as a moisturizer, a cleaning product, a paper jam fixer, the list goes on! It's a miracle substance that will save you so much money when you realize how many things you can use it for around your house.
A Game-Changing Shaving Gel

You're tired of wasting all your money on body gel or shaving cream that doesn't really work all that well right? A lot of women (and men) swear that baby gel or baby oil will give you the best shave possible.
It's A Moisturizer Too

While it works as a great shaving gel, it also works as a moisturizer for after you're out of the shower. It really will leave you feeling as soft and smooth as a baby's bottom!
Use It As A Bath Oil

If you're looking to step up your bath game, add a couple of drops of baby oil to the water before you get in. It'll leave your skin feeling silky smooth and you'll smell good too! Make sure you rinse the tub afterward though or you might find yourself slipping all over the next morning.
Eye Makeup Remover

Makeup remover is not cheap, and if you're someone that wears makeup every day you're going to go through a lot of it. You should consider switching to baby oil to take your eye makeup off. It takes off the waterproof mascara too!
Loosening Rings Off Of Swollen Fingers

This one is especially handy for women during pregnancy, but also if you're someone whose fingers swell over the course of the day in general. A little baby oil will make it easier to take your rings off at the end of the day.
Bubble Gum Is Gone With Baby Oil

Your daughter managed to get yet another piece of gum stuck in her hair and you're looking for a way to remove it that doesn't involve scissors... Baby oil will have that gum sliding right out of her hair without tears or any cutting involved!
Stainless Steel Smudges Be Gone

You find that no matter how often you clean, you always manage to find little smudges all over appliances like the dishwasher or the fridge, but baby oil will take those smudges off in no time.
Ear Wax Remover

Your son never listens to you (what's new?) but you realize it's because he's got so much wax built up in his ear. Have him lie down flat and put a few drops of baby oil into his ear, either room temperature or warmed. Let it sit for a couple of minutes to loosen up the wax, then drain it into the sink or onto a clean towel. Now he won't be able to claim he didn't hear you ask him to empty the dishwasher!
Baby Oil Makes For The Perfect Manicure

Before you do your nails, take a cotton swab and spread a layer of baby oil on your finger all around your nail. When you're done painting your nails, you'll be able to swipe the oil and the excess nail polish right off, and you'll be left with soft cuticles.
Cleaning Mildew

Your kids never remember to pull the shower curtain across after they shower so now they're stuck with a gross, mildewy shower curtain, but baby oil can fix that for you. Take a cloth soaked in baby oil and rub it on the curtain where the mildew is, then rinse with water and it'll come right off.
Reducing Pregnancy Stretch Marks

There are all sorts of oils and products sold to help women with stretch marks during pregnancy, but the most basic of all is baby oil. You're going to need it for your baby anyways so you might as well buy some 9 months earlier and use it yourself too!
Make Your Faucets Sparkle

You want a product that will make your bathroom taps or doorknobs sparkle? Look no further than baby oil. Rub a little onto doorknobs, faucets, fridge handles, whatever you want to shine and it'll get the job done.
Removing Price Stickers Without Leaving Residue

No matter how many times you try, you never manage to pull off price stickers without leaving half of the backing on the present, but baby oil can finish the job for you. Rub a cloth soaked in oil over the sticker and it'll come right off.
Baby Oil For Dusting

If you put a small amount of baby oil onto a clean cloth and use that to dust throughout your house, you'll be shocked at how much it'll pick up. When you're done with the oil, take a clean dry cloth over any of the spots you dusted to get the oil off and your house will be so clean it's like children never lived there.
Temporary Tattoo Remover

Your kid went to a birthday party and came home covered in temporary tattoos in inconvenient places like the center of their forehead and you want to get it off ASAP. Rub a little baby oil over top the tattoos and they'll come right off.
Removing Latex Paint

If you managed to dump half a can of paint onto yourself while trying to paint that guest bedroom, baby oil can help you get it off your skin. Put a little oil onto a cotton ball or a cloth and rub in gentle circles over the paint that's on your skin, then rinse it off with soap and water. It'll come right off and you won't have to scrub half your arm off with it.
Removing Excess Wax

Baby oil is a great way to remove wax from your legs or underarms if you're someone who waxes at home but never manages to clean it all off. Plus the oil doubles as a moisturizer so it's great to put on after waxing anyways.
Removing Sticker Residue

If you're trying to figure out how to get that sticker residue off your car windows or really off of anywhere, baby oil is your answer. It'll take any sticky residue right off until the next time the kids cover the back window in Spider-Man stickers.
Baby Oil Works As A Jewelry Detangler

Before you give up on that knotted up necklace chain, try dunking it in some baby oil. The oil will loosen up the chain enough that you'll be able to untangle those knots in no time, so you won't have to part with your favorite necklace just yet.
Silence Those Noisy Hinges

Who needs DW40 when you have baby oil lying around? You already have it in your house, so add a couple of drops to any squeaky door hinges or cupboard doors and it will silence the squeaking completely.
Shine Up Your Clubs After A Long Winter

You pull those golf clubs out of storage after a long winter and they're not quite as bright & shiny as you remember... Rub some baby oil on them! It'll shine up your clubs and clean them off at the same time.
Loosen Zippers That Stick

You have that one pair of pants that as much as you like wearing them, the zipper always sticks and it drives you crazy. Baby oil can fix that for you in a second. Just rub a drop of baby oil on each side of the zipper and you won't have any more problems.
Prevent Soap Scum With Baby Oil

Oh, you're looking for a way to prevent soap scum from building up in the bathroom? Baby oil is your answer. Spread a thin layer over the shower tiles and it'll prevent the soap scum from building up as quickly, and it'll build up less.
Pulling Off Bandaids Is Less Painful With Baby Oil

No one likes having to rip off a bandaid and it can be especially difficult with little kids, but a little bit of baby oil will make it a lot less painful. Gently rub some oil on both ends of the bandaid to loosen up the stickiness and it'll be easier for everyone involved.
Fix Your Feet With Baby Oil

If you're someone who gets particularly dry or badly cracked feet in the winter, baby oil will be your saving grace. Apply a generous layer to your feet before you go to bed, put some socks on and wake up to softer feet.
Get Rid Of Greasy Hands

You've been working on your car or the lawnmower, you come inside and realize your hands are covered in grease, so now you have to scrub them raw with soap, or do you? Baby oil will help that grease come right off your hands without being as harsh as regular soap.
Keep Leather Looking New

If you have leather bags, shoes, or belts that are starting to look cracked or dry, you can rub a couple of drops of baby oil onto them and it'll make a protective layer on the items to keep them looking fresh and new.
Shine Up Your Wooden Furniture

You're having some friends over for dinner and you realize your table isn't quite as shiny as you wanted it to be. Rub a little baby oil over the table and it'll give it a renewed shine. Plus, it adds a protective layer over the wood so it won't be stained as easily by watermarks or other marks.
Baby Oil Fixes Your Paper Jam

You're trying to shred all those top-secret important documents you have in your basement but your shredder keeps jamming. How do you fix it? Put a piece of paper onto a baking sheet and put oil all over the page. Wait for the oil to be soaked into the paper then shred that piece of paper. It'll fix your jam and prevent any future ones.
No More Sticky Keys

Baby oil will help you solve that sticky key problem that you've been dealing with too. If you put a couple of drops of baby oil on the key and jiggle it around inside your lock, it'll keep it from sticking for years to come.