The Internet Has Words For This Dad Who Leashes His 5-Year-Old Quintuplets
Parents have a lot on their plate when it comes to raising a child. And that only grows when they have more children. But sometimes it's just too much, and parents must do what's best for them. That's what this dad did, but the internet is enraged.
Jordan Driskell, Father Of Five

Jordan and Brianna Driskell are parents to a set of 5-year-old quintuplets. So it's a lot to handle all of them in the dangerous, big wide world.
So Jordan and Brianna have leash backpacks for the kids.
Jordan's Viral Leash Video

When Jordan posted a video of himself walking with his five kids, the internet was enraged.
Why? Because the kids were wearing backpacks with leashes. So, many found it easy to judge Jordan.
Are These Kids Or Dogs?!

Many of the negative commenters called the use of leashes degrading.
Not only that, but many negative commenters said Jordan was treating his kids like dogs because he had them on leashes.
Many Supportive Comments From Parents

However, many parents commented, saying there was nothing wrong with what Jordan was doing.
In fact, many praised Jordan for keeping his kids safe and close to him ensuring they don't run off.
The Driskells Fight Back

Project Nightfall made a video about the Driskells, and in it, they tell things like it is.
See, Jordan and Brianna tried and failed for three years to get pregnant.
The Truth Is...

It seemed like Jordan and Brianna were never going to get pregnant. And then miraculously, they were blessed with quintuplets.
But during the delivery, Brianna faced breathing complications and almost died.
Is It A Dog Leash, Or Is It A Way To Protect His Kids?

So their video asks, "Is this leash? Or is it a way for Jordan to protect the children that he and Brianna struggled so many years for?"
"Because he doesn't want to lose his kids; he loves them so much. And he knows what it's like to almost lose a loved one."